Feature The Real Sabella CM Hunnies DVD Disk CMH 062 (1 Hour 30 Minutes)
May 18, 2019 Store CM DVD Disks Store
$ 14.95
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Featuring The Real Sabella - Sabella (38C-28-51) is a hot new dancer from Texas. Her body is 100% all natural and she is super friendly. Sabella has a pretty face too. I have been trying to shoot her for at least 2 years. She recently hit me up on Instagram and said she was ready to shoot. While shooting her I was trying to remember who she remind me of, then it hit me, model/singer Carmen Electra. Sabella is a veteran dancer so she knows what she is doing on stage and she gets totally naked. She is only our second Mexican dancer in 20 years! (1 Hour 30 Minutes)
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