Feature Africa (Nude) CM Hunniez Downloadable DVD 277 (92 Minutes) Plus 408 Photos
July 14, 2020 Store CM Downloadable DVD Store
$ 12.98
Video Stats : 92 Minutes, 1920x1080, 4 Videos    Photo Stats : 408 Pics
Thick model Africa remixed to HD. Africa was one of out top selling DVD disks for years so we decided to remix her content to Downloadable DVD. She is all natural thick with a large ass. Plus access 408 photos.
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Amazing Ass and Legs! Love the way she moves!
Those dimples on Africa's ass look so good
One last comment. I can't believe Africa keeps up the booty shaking and sexy
dance moves for the entire 29 minutes of each video! Thanks for making this available, I feel like I didn't pay enough to get these.
The dancers back in that era were so much better than they are today. When I shot 30 minutes of video I released 30 minutes of video. Now I shoot 20 and I'm lucky if I release 15.
this girl is beautiful !!! does she have more content anywhere else ?