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Chris Broussard joins Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe to talks NBA on today's show. Hear why he compared LeBron James' 42-point performance vs. San Antonio Spurs to Michael Jordan.#Undisputed#NBA#LeBron#MichaelJordanSUBSCRIBE to get the latest UNDISPUTED content: http://foxs.pt/SubscribeUNDISPUTED▶Watch our latest NFL content: http://foxs.pt/NFLonUNDISPUTED▶Watch our latest NBA content: http://foxs.pt/NBAonUNDISPUTED▶Watch our latest MLB content: http://foxs.pt/MLBonUNDISPUTED▶First Things First: Cris Carter and Nick Wright's YouTube channel: http://foxs.pt/SubscribeFIRSTTHINGSFIRST▶The Herd with Colin Cowherd’s YouTube channel: http://foxs.pt/SubscribeTHEHERD▶Speak for Yourself’s YouTube channel: http://foxs.pt/SubscribeSPEAKFORYOURSELFSee more from UNDISPUTED: http://foxs.pt/UNDISPUTEDFoxSportsLike UNDISPUTED on Facebook: http://foxs.pt/UNDISPUTEDFacebookFollow UNDISPUTED on Twitter: http://foxs.pt/UNDISPUTEDTwitterFollow UNDISPUTED on Instagram: http://foxs.pt/UNDISPUTEDInstagramFollow Skip Bayless on Twitter: http://foxs.pt/SkipBaylessTwitterFollow Shannon Sharpe on Twitter: http://foxs.pt/ShannonSharpeTwitterAbout Skip and Shannon: UNDISPUTED:UNDISPUTED is a daily two-and-a-half hour sports debate show starring Skip Bayless and Shannon Sharpe. Every day, Skip and Shannon will give their unfiltered, incisive, passionate opinions on the biggest sports topics of the day.Chris Broussard calls LeBron's performance 'Michael Jordan-esque' against Spurs | NBA | UNDISPUTEDhttps://youtu.be/l4XQ7AK6bn4Skip and Shannon: UNDISPUTEDhttps://www.youtube.com/c/UndisputedOnFS1
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