July 24, 2019 by All Blogs By
Yep, it took me a minute to set up and open this site (3 years), but now we are adding our Classic DVD content from our NY"s Finest Exotic Dancers of Color and Best of ChocolateModels.com DVDs to our new Downloadable DVD Greatest His collection featuring all your favorite models like Scarlett, Miss Toni, Leila, Italia and Latin Spice, mixed in with some of the hot new models such as LawdMercy, Dallas Da Body, Creme DC, Zaemia and Black Thunder. You can stream or download Downloadable DVD's forever as long as your account on Hunniez stays open.
If you are curious in what order we will be releasing new shoots.
1) Downloadable DVD Store (a few weeks after shooting content).
2) DVD Disk Store (a month after shooting content).
3) ChocolateModels.com (a few months after shooting content).
Since models will be promoting our Downloadable DVD's it makes sense for us to drop them in our Downloadable DVD Store and reap the benefits.
If you are curious in what order we will be releasing our Greatest Hits.
1) Best Sellers of All Time (yep I got the data).
2) My favorites who were not necessarily top sellers.
3) Other models fans might like, that didn't have that thick body or big ass.
Top questions I've heard from fans?
1) Why close SexyClipStore.com?
Mainly, they layout and functionality was limited as is most prepackaged website software, iPhone users hated it too LOL. So I started customizing this site at the same time I open SexyClipStore.com. So in other words, SexyClipStore.com was always gonna be replaced by this site once it was completed. Also expiring email links are a thing of the past since you can stream or download Downloadable DVD's forever as long as your account on Hunniez stays open.
2) This site seems unfinished?
Hey it took 5000 hours of design and programming to set this site up, but at some point it had to be opened to the public so it can be debugged and start making money. There is no way we could have opened it with all our content. Our archive is too massive.
3) Why close ExoticDancersVOD.com?
Same deal, EDVOD was supposed to be a site where models could have their own site on that platform, but it was too early to execute that concept. Plus the idea of selling all our content for 1 price is not good for business. Like any business, we have to maximize profits.
4) Is ChocolateModels.com closing?
Never, that's my first baby, but we may reduce the number of back issues available from 4 years to 3 years at then end of 2019.
5) Why don't all the new models go totally nude like the old classic models and dancers?
Blame social media and the success of the Internet. A lot of new models are shook and live in fear of being exposed since the Internet is known for file sharing. I kill 2000 illegal links a month of ChocolateModels content. Only models and strippers that's really about that life, don't give a fuck about that, and will still bare all to the masses.
6) Is SpringBreakVideo.com opening up again?
That domain name is done, but we will be adding that content to Hunniez right here https://hunniez.com/SpringBreakVideo/
Most videos will be in the Downloadable DVD format which means you can download or stream it as long as your account on Hunniez stays open.
Visit CM Downloadable DVD Store (Enter promo code GRAND25 and take 25% Off, expires Sunday 8/4/19)
Leave your questions or comments below.
Trent Davis aka Jordan
Scarlett's Greatest Hits Volume 1
Italia's Greatest Hits
Miss Toni's Greatest Hits
Latin Spice's Greatest Hits
Leila's Greatest Hits
Posted in: My Store News
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Grand25 doesn't seem to be working
Thanks GRAND25 Promo code has been fixed and is now active until Sunday August 4th at midnight!